Thursday, December 11, 2014

Not a Noob

Greetings.  This is a new blog from a somewhat experienced SL player.  I have been inworld most days since June 2011.  My main account name is fleemingjenkin (aka Dr. Flee).  I have a home in Caledon Oxbridge Village.  And I have a lot of alts of various ages, species, and genders.

For readers who don't even know what Second Life is, I suppose I should give a capsule summary.  Second Life is a virtual world.  You get an account, choose an avatar, login, and then wander around a 3-D fictitious world interacting with other players from around the world.  It is some kind of combination of a game, a social medium, an artistic venue, and a platform for cyber-sex.  Difficult to describe succinctly.  Give it a try.

I'm not sure exactly what I am going to do with this blog.  I spend a lot of my time in SL helping noobs get started, so one possibility is that I will create a collection of how-to and/or where-to postings.  Another is that I will share some of my SL photography.  In fact, let me start by linking to my Flickr page.  And putting a couple pictures on this blog page: